HELLING Heidgraben site

Blue Hall - HELLING Technology Centre
HELLING has further expanded its test material production and sales operations in Heidgraben (close to Hamburg). High-quality testing facilities for surface crack testing are being developed in the "Blue Hall". These include
- Universal crack testing benches,
- Applications with a cross yoke,
- Wheelset testting facilities for the railroad
- Mobile chain testing facilities for testing of chain slings
Recommended for NDT training centers is the compact HELLMAG universal crack detection bench, which is available in different designs.

White Hall - test material storage - Storage Hall 1
The continuously increasing production of test material, mainly for leak detection, penetrant and magnetic particle testing, coupling agents and matting sprays, required an expansion of storage capacity.
For this purpose, the neighboring "White Hall" was acquired, where the test material can now be stored temporarily in a clearly arranged and easily accessible manner. Here they are prepared for shipment.

HELLING Technology Center - Measuring and Testing Technology
The latest expansion in 2021 was the construction of the Technology Center next to Storage Hall 1, where a modern, air-conditioned laboratory for performing measurement and testing tasks has been created. Test reports are prepared, certifications or factory calibrations are carried out according to current regulations, e.g. by
- Illumination intensity meters
- Irradiance meters
- UV LED hand and stationary lamps
- Reference blocks for penetrant testing
- Test pieces for magnetic particle testing
- Hand yoke magnets
- Field strength measuring instruments
- ... and many more
For detailed information, please refer to the corresponding products. We are also happy to answer your inquiry:info@helling.de