Surface crack testing

testing, test equipment, reference blocks and test bodies, PT test kits and test facilities for penetrant testing. Magnetic Particle Testing Magnetic particle testing (MT, MP testing, fluxing) is also a…

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Leak testing

Leak testing Overview Bubble test Acoustic leak test methods Pressure test HELLING GmbH Since 1863 Leak testing Leak testing or leak detection is a non-destructive testing method for the detection…

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Rissprüfbank HELLMAG Universal 1000 Radsatz-Prüfanlage ROD-A-MAT Anlage für Eindringprüfung Fluoreszierende und Farbeindringprüfung Previous Next Products & Services HELLING OFFERS A LARGE SELECTION OF HIGH-QUALITY PRODUCTS Penetrant Testing Fluorescent or colour…

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Radiographic testing

Radiographic testing Overview X-ray films Film frames Film viewing Image quality indicator Density step wedge Film marking X-ray measuring tapes and cassettes HELLING GmbH Since 1863 Radiographic testing At HELLING…

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PT and MT measurement devices

…(visible light, lux) according to EN ISO 3059 “Non-destructive testing – Penetrant testing and magnetic particle testing – Viewing conditions” und ASTM E1417 “Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Testing”. UV…

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Products & Services

Our products HELLING OFFERS A LARGE SELECTION OF HIGH-QUALITY PRODUCTS Penetrant Testing Penetrant Testing (PT) is an easy-to-use sensitive method of non-destructive surface crack testing.. Magnetic Particle Testing Magnetic Particle…

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UV LED Lamps

…are used in non-destructive materials testing, e.g., in visual testing (VT), penetrant testing (PT) and magnetic particle testing (MT), as soon as fluorescent test media are used. Penetrant testing (PT)…

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…devices Control of test conditions and significant test parameters MT Magnetic Particle Testing Process steps of magnetic particle testing and magnetisation techniques MT Magnetising devices Magnetisation facilities adapted to components…

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