Factory calibration

HELLING factory calibrations are performed in the newly established Optical Measurement Laboratory. The measurement laboratory is air-conditioned to ensure consistent or the required test conditions. Traceable calibrated reference measuring instruments are used.

Illuminance meters

Factory calibration (new as well as re-calibration) of an illuminance meter is performed with a reference illuminance meter by direct comparison (substitution method) of the measured values of the meter under test with those of the reference meter. The supply current of the A-source is adjusted and stabilised with a power supply. The different calibration points are adjusted by changing the distance between reference standard and A-source.

The applied calibration procedure meets the requirements of

  • EN ISO 3059:2013-03 section 8
  • ASTM E2297:2015
  • BS 667:2005

The factory calibration certificate documents the metrological traceability to national standards for the representation of units in accordance with the International System of Units (SI).

Irradiance meter

The factory calibration certificate documents the intended measurement functionality of the calibration item. Calibration is performed by comparison with test material that is subject to control of test equipment in accordance with EN ISO 9001. Their traceability is ensured by calibration by Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB, National Metrology Institute of Germany).

Calibration (new as well as re-calibration) of an irradiance meter is performed with a reference irradiance meter by direct comparison (substitution method) of the measured values of the device under test with those of the reference device. The emission spectrum of the UV source is checked with a spectroradiometer during the measurement process. The various calibration points are set by changing the distance between the reference standard and the radiation source.

The applied calibration procedure meets the requirements of

  • EN ISO 3059:2013-03 Section 8
  • CIE 220:2016
  • ASTM E2297:2015

The factory calibration certificate documents the metrological traceability to national standards for the representation of units in accordance with the International System of Units (SI).

The following measuring instruments can be calibrated (other measuring instruments on request):

  • Kombi UV-LUX
  • UV-2000
  • UV-2500 II
  • J-221

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